Jeff & Ruth's Bicycle Adventures

Details of our bike ride from California to Florida.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lockhart, TX - Wed 3/21

Happy spring, from "The Barbecue Capital of Texas!"

The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect, the gentle wind was with us, the hills were small, and our legs were rested.  So, after a breakfast at the donut shop, we cruised through San Antonio, feeling good, and out to San Marcos where we planned to stop.  But it was still early, so we continued on to Lockhart 20 miles farther.

Miles: 78.2  Average: 13.6

Since Lockhart is the barbecue capital of Texas we had dinner at Chisholm Trail Barbecue.  Delicious.  Then we walked 2 or 3 miles exploring the town.  We saw the oldest continually operating library in Texas (since 1899) and a beautiful old courthouse.

Barbecue Capital of Texas sign.
Dr. Eugene Clark Library (Oldest continually operating library in Texas).
Caldwell County Courthouse (1894).
Texas countryside on a beautiful day.

The truth from Ruth:  My new favorite riding day.  The three days rest really helped me feel great on the bike.  In the middle of the ride, as we left San Antonio, we rode through a couple of really cute small towns on a country road.  There were trees lining the road on both sides, and it was so pretty.  Today is why I came on this bike trip.


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