Jeff & Ruth's Bicycle Adventures

Details of our bike ride from California to Florida.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Trouble Tuesday 3/6 - Fort Davis, TX

Trouble arrived big time today.  It started with a flat rear tire at about mile 15.  Unloading and reloading the bike and finding the flat and fixing it took about 40 minutes. Then at mile 40 we had a flat in the front.  That was easier so we were back on the road in 15 minutes.

We were concerned about time because we were planning to complete 93 miles over some difficult hills.  We had to do 93 because there was no place to stay along the way unless we camped in the wild alongside the road.

But at mile 53 disaster struck.  Our rear axle started making funny noises.  I pulled it apart and found the axle broken.  The frame was able to hold it together as long as we weren't sitting on it so we put it together and started walking.  With 40 miles to go we knew we might have to camp in the wild.  There wasn't much traffic on that road.  We started really hoping for help.

Then along came John in a pickup.  Ruth stuck out her thumb and John stopped and gave us a ride to Fort Davis.  He dropped us off at a hotel where we checked in.  The nearest bike shop is 25 miles away but the hotel operator has an appointment in that town, so he offered to give us a ride tomorrow morning.  So now all of our hopes ride on that bike shop having the right axle.  If we have to wait for a special order we might be living in a tent, because spring break starts this weekend and everything within a hundred miles is booked up for the week.  We'll find out our fate tomorrow morning.

So after traveling 1000 miles with no flat tires we had two in the same day.  And a broken axle?? That's just freaky.  The day threatened to end very badly.  But for now we are comfortable and hoping for the best.

The photos:
The first flat tire.
The second flat tire.
John, our rescuer.
I stuck a stick in a support I found alongside the freeway.  It's like a desert Christmas tree.
The giant chicken that was accidentally deleted from yesterday's post.

The truth from Ruth:  I'd like to thank every one of our family and friends who have been praying for us on this trip.  I feel that your prayers were answered today.  We were all alone, far from the nearest town, with no cell phone service.  It was a scary feeling.  I knew we needed help from somewhere, and it came.  I feel so blessed to be spending this night in comfort and security.


Blogger Donna McNeil Gonzales said...

It just shows how Heavenly Father watches over us in our trials. Hope they have the part. Been there, done that with a car while traveling.

10:44 PM  

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